Wednesday 23 December 2015

It's that time of year...

I am aware that it has been a considerable time since my last post. Here’s the thing…I got busy. And here’s the other thing…I had to prioritise. Unfortunately, at that stage, one of the easiest tasks on the list to let go of was my blog. My family and direct client work had to come first. I’m sure I could have pushed myself to “fit it all in” but I was already feeling stretched and in the end, I decided I didn’t need to be a hero.

I do, however, still struggle with my inner Wonder Woman. She’s the one who has had me staying up all hours finishing the customised calendar of the kids’ past year for the grandparents or individually writing 100 (also customised) Christmas cards while (of course) still working and doing all the other jobs required to keep the household running. And naturally, at this time of year, there’s the preparation for Christmas; end of year concerts; mad socialising so you can tick the box about catching up with everyone this year; and, if you happen to be going away, the dreaded packing.

Sleep eludes. Falling asleep is fine because you’re exhausted but if you happen to wake up, that’s it. Your head starts whirring with everything on your to-do list.

My motto this season has been “one foot in front of the other”. I’ve just kept going and doing. I’m aware that’s not a very “mindful” way to operate, but it’s about simple survival. And I’ve survived! The Christmas cards and calendars are complete. Presents bought and under the fabulously-decorated-by-kids tree. Client work for the year is done!

As I reflect now on the past few weeks, I realise that along with my “just keep going” mentality, a key to my survival was PRIORITISING. In the same way I had to de-prioritise my blog away 18 months ago, recently I used prioritising to make sure I achieved what I wanted and needed to achieve.

I remember very early on in my working life being told that one of the key skills I needed to learn was to prioritise. I was told that it is a skill that needs to be developed. I don’t believe it is something that comes naturally and I don’t think you can do it in your head. Our brains aren’t designed to be our mobile to-do lists (you’ve heard those saying about only being able to hold 7 things in your brain at once… or is it 3 things???), besides, now we have mobile phones for that sort of thing.

So, get your to-do list out of your head. Really think about what needs to be done and what you really don’t need to do. Challenge yourself about what you are avoiding and then just do what has to be done. Sound simple? In concept it is, but in reality not so much. But it does get easier the more you practice. 

How do you prioritise? How do you keep prioritising when you don’t have time to stop and think?

Sunday 11 May 2014

The enemy of "me" time

I’m writing this whilst on a child-free weekend away with hubby to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. After unpacking and making lunch, I was overwhelmed by the need to “do” something. However, I made myself sit and enjoy my lunch and tried to “just be”. I must confess I didn’t do very well, because while I sat quietly, enjoying the tranquil Berowra Waters from the deck of our gorgeous digs, I was composing this post in my head.

My current situation got me thinking, how many mums are missing the opportunities for quality “me” time as a result of our compulsion for “doing”? I know there are always things to be done and even short periods out of routine sees the washing pile up and the house quickly out-of-control, but is part of it simply the habit of “doing”?

Thursday 17 April 2014

That Elusive Balance

Firstly, I would like to say that I have been overwhelmed by the positive feedback and your participation. It seems there is a place for the Workplace Mums blog and community.

The standout issue you raised was BALANCE, followed closely by FINDING “ME” TIME. The other key areas were TIME MANAGEMENT, MANAGING EXPECTATIONS and ELIMINATING GUILT. Probably no surprises there.

Monday 24 March 2014

Welcome to Workplace Mums!

I'm finally doing it. After thinking about this blog for over a year, I've stopped the delaying tactics and started...

The thinking behind this blog is to gather intelligence from all my intelligent working mum friends (and friends of friends) to cut through the crap and find out what really works and what doesn't when we go back to work.